Cover Up!

  • "Before Madison donated her used clothing, Alice (size 24) had only one shirt. Now she has two tops, several pair of pants and more. "

    Clothingroom Volunteer

  • "I no longer walks barefooted. I have new shoes."


  • Elizabeth was running late for work because she couldn’t find anything to wear. Even though she had two closets full of clothes. One while praying she felt in her spiirt she was to clear out one of her closet and to donate the clothes. The next day, she brought them to the mission. Thanks, Liz

    Clothing Room Volunteer


  • "Choose your words carefully before speaking. Words can hurt!"

    The Winters

  • “There is still hope, with God's help.”

    The Jackson

  • "Love your spouse as you love yourself. Make sure you have learned how to love yourself, first."

    Once Broken Wife

  • “The counseling services have been a blessing to us. You showed us the beauty in our marriage; in a bad session, you were a fair judge and kept the fighting clean. We are so grateful for the help and support you have given us.”

    We are stronger today because God sent us you!

  • The mental health counselors at the mission have a bachelor's and a master's degree at minimum, which is at least six years of higher education and hundreds of thousands of dollars in investment in their education. We are incredibly grateful that these individuals donate their time and expertise to help others pick up the broken pieces of their lives. In addition, we provide a stipend to help them offset expenses they accrue in this position.

Food Pantry

  • What is hunger?

    Hunger is an uncomfortable or painful physical sensation caused by insufficient consumption of dietary energy. It becomes chronic when the person does not consume a sufficient number of calories (dietary energy) on a regular basis to lead a normal, active and healthy life.

  • "Collectively, we must end hunger and food insecurity in Rochester."

    Pastor Warren

  • Of all the metro areas in the state, Rochester's collective food-insecurity rate was highest at 25.9%. Syracuse (24.8) and Buffalo (24%) were not far behind.

    Foodlink, NY

  • Research shows an association between food insecurity and delayed development in young children; risk of chronic illnesses like asthma and anemia; and behavioral problems like hyperactivity, anxiety and aggression in school-age children.

    Description goes here


  • "Before Madison donated her used clothing, Alice (size 24) had only one shirt. Now she has two tops, several pair of pants and more. "

    Clothingroom Volunteer

  • "I no longer walks barefooted. I have new shoes."


  • Elizabeth was running late for work because she couldn’t find anything to wear. Even though she had two closets full of clothes. One while praying she felt in her spiirt she was to clear out one of her closet and to donate the clothes. The next day, she brought them to the mission. Thanks, Liz

    Clothing Room Volunteer